Sorry it's been awhile since my last post, I've been working for Friends of Nevada Wilderness in the Santa Rosa-Paradise Peak Wilderness Area and it's been keeping me busy.
The Santa Rosa-Paradise Peak Wilderness Area is just north of Winnemucca, NV, between US 95 and Nevada 290. It is a gorgeous wilderness, 31,000 acres, with stunning phylite cliffs low in the canyons and granite higher up. There are no lakes in this wilderness area, but there are quite a few creeks; Rebel Creek, McConnel Creek, Horse Creek and Singas Creek--just to name a few. The creeks are surrounded by cottonwood and aspen forests and are quite lush, at least for the Nevada desert.
August is a little late for wildflower season, but I still saw quite a few, including; horse mint, lupin, columbine, monkshood, monkey flowers (my favorite), baneberries, elderberries, and many more.
The first week I was out, the butterflies were amazing. There were so many and they were everywhere, I wish I knew more about them and how to identify them, but I did identify some Mourning Cloaks and some Western Tiger Swallowtails.
Well, I'll post more about the Santa Rosas soon, but here are a few photos to tide you over:

looks gorgeous out there! i bet you've seen some amazing stuff. can't wait to hear more :)
A wonderful adventure!! Love, Mom
santa rosa's gain is our loss :( you need to post a new entry!
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