Quote of the Week, Perhaps a Bit Longer

"The biological community is a vast and complicated system for sharing and distributing the energy of the sun among a diversity of life forms." ~Martson Bates


A Hike Here, A Hike There

Since being at the ranch, we have gone on several great hikes. Both Dan and I love to hike and with all the possibilities here in the Pine Forest Range we have been doing quite a bit of it. This is a photo post from two of our hikes, you know what they say... "a picture is worth 1000 words." Enjoy!

This first set of pictures is from a hike we took to The Mesa below Sentinel Peak, we had some great views of the peak. We also hiked up a cold and windy ridge to get a better view of the desert below.

Dan and Dusty on the ridge south of the ranch, in the background is Sentinel Peak (AKA: Turd Peak). This was the highest ridge we climbed to this day.

View of the desert below the ridge with the Jackson Range in the background.

Part of the Jackson Range (which are southeast of the ranch) can be seen through the saddle.

A nice view from the hike up.

The snow was blowing the grass around and it was making cool designs in the snow (had to take a picture of it).

A little cave we saw as we hiked up, there were fresh coyote tracks in the snow entering and leaving the cave.

This last set of pictures is from a hike we took to Pinto Mountain. Originally we were going to hike to the top of Pinto Mountain, but we started at the wrong spot and the hike across the desert took much longer than we anticipated. With that and the fact that I still had a lingering cold we decided to hike up to a rock ridge to north of Pinto Mountain instead.

The rock ridge we hiked up to, instead of Pinto Mountain.

View of Bartlett Peak, which is in the Black Rock Range, from the rock ridge.

View of route with desert and Pine Forest Range in the background.

One of many cool desert ice sculptures we saw as we crossed the desert playa.

Dan and Dusty hiking home across the playa with Bartlett Peak in the background.

View of Pinto Mountain from across the desert.


Unknown said...

Awesome pics, fun times! I love the title :)

Renee said...

Thanks!!! I can't wait to have more fun times...let's go!

Erin said...

boy oh boy do i miss nevada. beautiful pics. love you guys!

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the pictures and posts, Renee. Looks snowier there than down around winnemucca! -Henry