Quote of the Week, Perhaps a Bit Longer

"The biological community is a vast and complicated system for sharing and distributing the energy of the sun among a diversity of life forms." ~Martson Bates


Love in the air

Over the weekend we had a wedding at the ranch. Suzanne, Dan's youngest sibling and little sister, was married to her boyfriend of several years, Dan Williams aka little Dan. The wedding was beautiful, it threatened to rain on us, but never did, which was actually great because it help keep the evening nice and cool. The number of people there was just about right too, a little over a hundred...I think, at least there were one hundred chairs and people were sitting in all of them with a few people sitting on hay bales. Suzanne looked gorgeous of course and all the brothers were handsome. Dan and Glynn walked the bride down the ailse, Leonard was a groomsman and Mike married them. At the reception people danced and had a good time. Overall a very nice, beautiful and fun wedding. I wish them the best of luck and love in their new life together.

The happy couple

The wedding cake

Dan and me (another happy couple)


Unknown said...

what a great time! and your dress looked great, i hope you got a picture of it too!

Margery said...

Great looking couple. What a wonderful time! The wedding looks beautiful and what a tasty looking cake. Love, Mom

Erin said...

you guys all look lovely! tell the happy couple congrats for me :)