Quote of the Week, Perhaps a Bit Longer

"The biological community is a vast and complicated system for sharing and distributing the energy of the sun among a diversity of life forms." ~Martson Bates


Another Year Gone By--Crazy!

This past Sunday was my 34th birthday, it was a really fun day. We started with Peg's Glorified Ham and Eggs for breakfast and then played some ultimate at Reno High. We were then going to float the river, but it was overcast and thundering so we decided not to. So we went home to rest for about an hour. After our rest, we went and spent the afternoon at the Reno Wine Walk--I hadn't done a wine walk in about a year so it was extra fun. After that, we went and had a yummy dinner at the Greek Festival. Then we finished up the night at a screening of the Rocky Horror Picture Show at Lawlor Event Center. A fun filled day to say the least!

Like I mentioned last year, I like to do something every year that makes that year special and unique. For me 33 was the year of travel. I had never traveled oversees until last year and I got to do it twice last year, yay!!! I went to Romania to visit my sister in the Peace Corps and to Euskadi because Dan was sent there for his work. Another thing that made this year super cool is that I have an awesome seasonal job with Friends of Nevada Wilderness and I have been able to explore parts of Mount Rose Wilderness I never thought I would. Sadly it will end in about a month.

Here's to making 34 as awesome as 33!!!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from my travels, I hope you enjoy:

Sunset at the Black Sea

My Sister, her friend and me at the Nadia stature

Cows on the Black Sea

My sister and me at the Black Sea

The cathedral

Dan taking a picture

Playing on the Flysh

Dan and me on the cliffs

Dan playing on the coast


Unknown said...

what an awesome year it has been. Here's to making this one just as fantabulous. who knows, maybe ChinA!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

or maybe just lots of backpacking with bodie!

Erin said...

i hope this year can also include some travel! maybe to china? i hope you had a wonderful birthday and i'm sad to have missed yet another. maybe next year you'll be here! love you lots!!

Margery said...

What a fantastic year! Here is to many more!! Great pictures! Love, Mom