Quote of the Week, Perhaps a Bit Longer

"The biological community is a vast and complicated system for sharing and distributing the energy of the sun among a diversity of life forms." ~Martson Bates


What about a garden?

Now that we are at the ranch I really want to start a big organic garden. I'm not certain where we should start, but there is a plot of land where there used to be a garden and Glynn (Dan's brother) wants to restart a garden there. I'm thinking we'll have four subplots with three rotating annual subplots and one static perennial subplot. I would like to grow carrots, eggplant, squash, leafy greens, radishes, broccoli, peppers, peas, cauliflower, potatoes, garlic, ginger, and sweet potatoes, I don't like cucumber but I bet we'll end up planting that as well... I know a few people around here like them :^). I need to do some research to see what else we should plant. I would like to have an herb garden as well, but I think I would like to have it closer to the house than the main garden so I can go and grab some herbs easily while cooking.

One of the first things I want to do is get a compost system up and going. We are looking at different types of compost systems and so far I like the three section system. I like it because it can handle a large amount of material and it allows for staggered composting. One section is for storing compostable materials, another section is for active composting and the final section is for finished compost. It will look something like this, however, we will probably change some of the details.

If we stay here at Leonard Creek long enough I would also like to eventually build a greenhouse and a water catchment system.

I'm excited to get the garden project up and running. I had a small garden when I was a kid, but haven't had the opportunity in my adult life to start one. I can't wait to start learning more about gardening and about how to nuture the soil so it is as productive as possible. I am also excited to eat fresh vegetables right out of the garden... they are always the best.


Erin said...

sounds like a fabulous project. i had no idea you guys were thinking about sticking around leonard creek ranch for so long, but it makes sense. i can't wait to visit and eat some veggies. you should plant strawberries, too. seemed like we always had strawberries growing when we were little :) oh, sugar snap peas. mmm...those too.

Margery said...

I was never a gardener but I remember thinking I need to have the girls experience a garden since it was such a big part of my growing up and to think it made a difference makes me happy. Love, Mom & Ozzie

Unknown said...

yum cucumbers! :) it is so awesome to have fresh vegetables, i can't wait.